Porn trike patrol

Porn trike patrol officer at the precinct, but he’s just a big guy and doesn’t want any trouble, so he walks into the middle of a conversation with a woman named Kira. Kira is upset that he’s had sex with a woman, and asks him to tell her about it. The woman is angry at first, but eventually she realizes that he’s been doing this for her whole life, and wants to show him why he’s been so successful. Kira is confused, and asks if she can see how her pussy looks, and he tells her that he’s never had sex with a woman before. Kira has an idea, and suggests a more intimate, and intimate, approach to the situation. Kira agrees, and the woman is soon fucking Kira’s pussy. The woman is on her hands and knees in front of him, and is soon on her knees in front of him. The woman is shocked at first, but soon she Very tasty

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