Chanel preston movies

Chanel preston movies , and the director’s assistant, Lola Channing, arrives at her home. Lola is greeted by Steve Holmes, who introduces herself as a porn starlet. The girls are surprised to discover that they’ve been watching the movie themselves. They’re shocked to learn that Lola has a crush on them, and they’re not mad. Steve, though amused, insists that they should all be happy about what they’ve done with him. Lola is taken aback, and asks if she’d like to see how things went from there, then suggests that they have a little fun together in bed instead of going to school. Steve, though still uncertain, agrees to the proposition so that Lola can get into character while she’s away. Lola is hesitant but agrees to the terms, even when Steve starts kissing her, and Lola is eager for Steve’s big cock inside her pussy Big Ass. MaxPrime – PH – Fantasies Become Reality

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